Click here to view the 2024 REFIT Brochure

REFIT (Reform Educational Financing Inequities Today) is a consortium of school districts that have joined together to secure for their students the advantages enjoyed by their peers in other areas and for their communities a fair and equitable share of New York State Aid to Education.

Toward that end, it shall be REFIT’s Mission to:

• Present to the Governor, the Senate Majority Leader, and the Speaker of the Assembly REFIT’s concern that they utilize their leadership positions to ensure that an “easy fix” is not substituted for the development of a comprehensive correction to an inadequately constructed and fundamentally flawed foundation formula made more destructive by a simplistic and arbitrary property tax cap proposal.

• Represent the interests of REFIT districts to the Governor and the Legislature as they work to fulfill their commitment to an equitable state-wide state aid solution.

• Represent REFIT districts in Albany (at the Legislature, the Governor’s Office, and the State Education Department) on the Long Island Education Coalition, on the State Aid Data Analysis Committee and at all local and state forums dealing with the financing of public education.

• Keep REFIT districts, the legislators, and the public informed of the impact that state legislative and administrative programs will have on low-wealth high-tax school districts.